Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Card of the week!

Card of the week for CHRISTMAS is...

Discipline Destruction!

i'm gonna make you find out WHY yourself! :D

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Card of the week!

Card of the week for December 7th is Drilldozer, Customized Rig!

with this card, your creature will get 10 additional energy, AND if your creature has earth it gets ANOTHER 10 energy. so this is very good for any creature, especially ones with the earth element. and it's a rare, so it shouldn't be TOO hard to get. so use it if you have it. if you don't, GET IT.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Card of the week!

Card of the week for HALLOWEEN is Lake Ken-i-po, Ritual Site!

happy halloween! this a pretty good location card. it has cool art too. with this card, no creatures lose elements, which is good, but no creatures can gain elements. so it can be used effectively, but it can also but somewhat a double-edged sword. but with this your opponent doesn't gain (or lose) any elements, which is nice. i think this card can be used very well. boo!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Card of the week!

Card of the week is Monophone Mayhem!

This is probably one of THE BEST mugic i've posted on here. This mugic is a great value for a rare card. With this mugic, you choose a tribe, and that tribe cannot gain any mugic counters. Battling a pesky fluidmorpher deck? No prob, just use this mugic and you've shut them down. Even if it's not a fluidmorpher deck, you can use this well. It's also great for (very old) Illexia decks, any deck that uses a lot of mugic gaining cards, or just if you want to stop an opponent's creature's mugic gaining abilities. It's a great card, and I suggest using it if you have one.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Card of the week!

Card of the week for October 20th!

Sorry for posting so late. Some stuff came up and i just forgot to post.

Anyways, the card of the week for today is colstone! with colstone, the equipped creature gains 10 energy for each time it fails a stat check, so stock up your attack decks with cards that not only have base and elemental damage, but stat checks too. it might also be a good idea to put in a few that rely solely on stat checks. or you could make the best of cards with stat checks that give you only 5 energy, but instead get 10. **YOU HAVE TO FAIL THE STAT CHECK TO GET ENERGY!!!** this is a super rare card, so it is somewhat hard to get, but it is very good and worth trying to obtain.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Card of the week!

Card of the week for October 11th is Ursis!

sorry for being so late. last week was my birthday and i just forgot this week. but no more excuses! here we go!

the reason i chose ursis (another new tribeless creature) is because of his amzingly high power, energy, and 3 mugics. on his card, it says he is a past muge, but he is better than most other muges because he can be used as an amazing fighter. with his high power, he can easily be mixed with any high powered creatures, as long as they aren't loyal. he has 3 mugics, which allows you to use a lot of mugic with just him, sparing mugic on other creatures, for other mugic and abilities. he also has an average of 80 energy, so he can endure a whole lot. he also has other good stats too. the only downside is he has no abilities, and he only has earth, so if you want a tribeless like ursis with a different element, you're out of luck. he's still a good creature, so fefinately look out for him.

GOOD NIGHT! i'm sleepy...

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Card of the Week is Cromaxx!

Ever wanted to use Maxxor with some non-OW creatures, but couldn't because he's loyal? Well know you can! Kind of. Instead, you're using Cromaxx. Cromaxx is basically a caveman, no-tribe version of Maxxor. They have similar stats, which is good. Cromaxxx also has 2 amazing abilities that keep him from losing any energy because of mugic. Along with this, he has earth and water, instead of earth and fire like Maxxor. He is a very good creature. The only bad thing is he's an ultra, but he's a good one.

Monday, September 21, 2009

FAIL of the week!

The card of the week for September 21 is Monophone Mayhem!

monophone mayhem is a great mugic. with this, you choose a tribe, and then any creature in that tribe cannot gain mugic, so you can use this to negate effects, battlegear and mugic that let a creature gain a mugic for as long as this mugic lasts. this is a great mugic to have, just in case you end up against a marrillian fluidmorpher deck. or a deck based around illexia's abilities. in these cases, this card can keep your opponent from gaining many mugics, and delay them from playing a mugic when needed to, which can help you code a creature, or stop them from doing damage, or maybe even stop them from summoning aa'une! this card has a lot of possibilities! i hope to see it more in the dromes soon!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Card of the week!

This week's card of the week is... Elemantiir!

elemantiir is one of the locations in the alliances unraveled set. and it's uncommon. when this card is in play, your creature gains 5 energy for every element they possess. so if you know how to add elements to your creatures, this is a good card to have. if you don't, this is a good reason to learn! this also goes good with some old cards, like heptadd, or some MI set cards, considering a lot of them have 3 elements. so this is a very versatile card! so get one, and work with it to try and find more combos!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Card of the WEEK! for (late) labor day!

This (late) card of the week is Arkanin!

sorry for being late. I didn't have time last thurs. or fri. was out of town sat. and sun., and so on. but now i'm here.

Arkanin is a great muge for mipedian armies. He gives you options. With his mugics, you can either A) deal 5 damage or B) heal 10 energy. Used all of your mugic, but still have some mugics left over on other creatures? Well Arkanin's ability lets you use mugics that are on other creatures! Awesome, huh!? And since he's uncommon, you should have no trouble finding one in zoth packs. Check him out, he's really good.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Card of the week! for August 27

Card of the week is... Fatiguing Falsetto!

This is a great common mugic. Let me explain to you why. No matter how good your creature's stats are what battlegear you are using, what type of deck you run, you can use this card. Why? This card gives the target creature "Exhaust 15" until the end of the turn. So, if you run a stat based deck, whether underming the other deck or building up your own, or both, this card is great, because it brings down the opposing engaged creature's stats with each attack! Also, if you use stelgar a lot, you can use this to keep down his stats during a battle, so you can use him longer! This card can be used for so many combonations, and has so much potential. I hope you guys use this card well!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Card of the week! for August 20

Card of the week! is.... Muge's Tuningfork!

this is a great mixed army card, and with new tribless cards coming out in the next set, if used right, will work awesome! if you play a mixed army, the creature this equipped with can use the mugic of any tribe in your army. almost like a heptadd's crown, except only the mugic of tribes in your army and it doesn't take away energy. now for why it works well with tribeless creatures. with tribeless creatures, you can put a tribeless creature in your army with creatures from all, or many, other tribes that work well together, put this on a tribeless creatures with a lot of mugic (maybe a tribeless muge) and it can use mugic from all the tribes you are using, along with generic mugic! but until we get tribeless creatures, we'll have to wait. now go have a great time with this card!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Card of the week! for August 13

The card of the week for August 13 is....

Jig of Reinforcement!

This is a great mugic, if you play OW, UW, Danian or Mipedian. It was made for giving your creature a little extra boost, for beaing down M'arillians, or any tribe. It's a generic mugic, so any tribe can use it. If you use it for an overworlder, your creature will get 10 energy. Use it on an underworlder, it gets fire 5. Use it on a danian, +20 to all stats. On a mipedian, "invisibility:strike 10." I'm sure you can incorporate it into your deck very easily. It's a great card, unless you play M'arillian. So if you have it, enjoy it!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

(finally) Card of the Week! for june 20

The card of the week for june 20 is...

Riverland moon!

this is a perfect battlegear for any deck based on water creatures and water attacks. Every time a creature equipped with Riverland moon uses a water attack, it gains 10 to all disciplines. If you play with a marrillian deck, throw a couple of these in there. Give them to a Kharall or a minion with the water element, and you'll be able to stop your opponents' stat challenge attacks. Not only that, but you should have no trouble using yours, or completing the extra stat challenges on some attacks for extra damage, reducing opponents stats! This is also a great card for any stat based decks, that have creatures with water, and attack decks mixed with stat and water attacks. Have fun playin' and be back next week for another card of the week!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

sorry i haven't been on for so long, loyal followers. i've been grounded for a while, and i just got ungrounded.

card of the week for feb. 28th is...

refrain of denial! (overworld)

this a very good mugic for use against underworld damage decks and overworld healing decks. another added bonus is, you can use this mugic to stop an opponent from flipping aa'uune projection. this is a very versatile card. the problem is the cost of two mugic counters, but it's worth it if you use this card right.